In its 5 year life, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege has undergone many, many changes. From new seasonal operators and skins to fixes for bugs and new ways to punish toxic players, there is always something new to look forward to with each season of Siege.

Those who haven't played the game since the early days would surely be confused by the game they found themselves in if they were to load it up today. And much like the game itself, the memes have also changed to reflect the current state of Siege. Although fans from way back had their own hilarious memes (remember raptor legs?), these memes might go over the heads of fans who haven't played for a few seasons.

10 Ace The Chad

Ace the Chad - u Gatt__

Those who have played Rainbow Six: Siege in the past year have likely met Ace, the new hard-breacher. In his normal uniform, the top half of Ace's face is covered with a mask and helmet, but the recent Stadium event gave players some new looks for some operators. This included a version of Ace without his headgear on.

Reddit user u/Gatt__ was quick to point out how much Ace looked like the "Chad" meme that has been around for a while. That pointy hairdo is not doing him any favors here.

9 Aruni Keeping Quiet

Aruni Is Short - u I_Despise_This_name

Early adopters of Rainbow Six: Siege probably remember Sledge as the tallest operator and Twitch as the shortest. Well, as new operators have been added over the years and those crowns have been passed around.

When the Australian defender Mozzie was added, there were plenty of memes going around about his height compared to the other operators. But as pointed out by u/I_Despise_This_Name, Aruni comes in at 2cm shorter - so she is most likely trying not to draw attention to herself!

8 Back To Normal

Event Loadout Problems - u SupportChinook

Players participating in event game modes recently have reported the loadouts of ALL operators being reset back to default. Now, considering there are currently 58 operators in the game, this was not an ideal situation to be in.

Between weapons, attachments, and skins, it can be very time-consuming to set everyone up just the way you like them. Redditor u/SupportChinook was clearly very happy to have things back to normal when the event ended, posting this meme to show their relief.

7 Kaid Who?

Kaid v Bandit - u DocNefario

Some new operators in Rainbow Six: Siege seem to be updated versions of original operators. Anyone who hasn't played since 2018 may not have met Kaid yet. Sometimes referred to as Bandit 2.0, Kaid has a similar gadget -- except it's throwable -- meaning it can be stuck to the underside of hatches.

But, as u/DocNefario has pointed out on Reddit, Rainbow Six need not have recruited Kaid because Bandit has got the hatches covered! Hopefully, the attackers don't think to shoot his battery before attempting to breach...

6 Kali's Latest "Buff"

Kali Nerf - u DarkWolf

In a game where being agile is king and the bulk of most matches happen inside, snipers haven't always been the strongest. They do have their moments to shine, however, and Kali had a very powerful gun that was able to down anyone with a single bullet. It seems she still wasn't strong enough, so Ubisoft decided to...err..."buff" her.

But they did this by removing her ability to down some opponents with a single bullet. It should be noted that her damage falloff range and base damage were increased, but most fans are very confused by this decision and how it could be seen as a buff. Redditor u/DarkWolf has made light of the situation with this hilarious Jeremy Clarkson meme, showing what happens now when a defender is shot by Kali.

5 Team Kills For Democracy

KillThe Hackers - u Certifieddumbass420

Some newer operators are notorious for causing glitches in the game, but let's not point any fingers...(Clash). It's inevitable that some players will abuse these glitches while some use other methods to cheat; what can be done about it? Well, it seems that some friendly players have begun to fight back against cheaters.

If someone on an enemy team is hacking or abusing glitches, it's always comforting to see their teammates deal with them. Likewise, if there is a hacker on the friendly team, it's polite to do the same, as illustrated in this meme posted by u/Certifieddumbass420.

4 Any Sight Is Better Than This One

New Holo Sucks - u Zach-317

There has always been debate over which sights and scopes are the best to use in Rainbow Six: Siege and players have recently had their choices expanded. The new choices have even further fuelled debates with one exception.

The new holographic (MH1) sight is like a squished version of the old holo sight, and it seems almost everyone dislikes it. Reddit user u/Zach-317 has used this classic meme to show a rare coming together of the different camps who agree on this point.

3 Budget Thermite

Thermite At Home - u BigDog42o

It was recently decided that poor Thermite (along with other hard-breachers) has too much responsibility resting on his shoulders. To give players options for more diverse team comps, Ubisoft has recently added the secondary breach charge gadget available to certain operators.

It does basically the same thing as a Thermite breach charge, only...less good. It seems that u/BigDog42o shares this opinion with this hilarious take on the "we have food at home" meme.

2 Vigil HATES Mozzie

Vigil Hates Mozzie - u XenoDrobot

It has been revealed during the recent stadium event just how much Vigil dislikes Mozzie, pointed out in this meme posted by u/XenoDrobot. Whether it's his jokes or just his light-hearted attitude towards everything, Vigil just really does not like being around Mozzie.

This meme is most likely referencing this video posted to the Rainbow Six Siege Twitter page. The video contains an interview with Vigil after being eliminated from the Stadium event. Zero asks him if he could take the event a little more seriously to which Vigil replies that if he took it any more seriously, Mozzie would be heading home in a box...Harsh!

1 The New Hard Breacher In Town

Thermite Obsolete - u Ali_Msn

It's inevitable that, by adding so many new operators so frequently, there is going to be some overlap in terms of the skills they bring to the team. But Thermite has always been a staple of so many team compositions, and Ace's gadget is just so much more versatile and easy to use!

The biggest improvement over Thermite's breach charge is probably that it is throwable meaning Ace can breach from any location in throwable reach. In contrast, Thermite has to run to the wall and place the charge. It seems many players are giving up on Thermite in favor of Ace including u/Ali_Msn who posted this heartbreaking meme to Reddit.

NEXT: 10 Rainbow Six Siege Logic Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words